Women & Success: Leadership Circle Group Coaching
The data is in and has been for decades.
Gender balance improves performance of teams and an organisation’s bottom line.
Women are capable, qualified and able to rise to organisational and global leadership challenges.
We know we need more women in senior roles and in the pipeline to advance into these roles.
The current focus on how we support this outcome is not working fast enough and derailing us from the real issues. Women are still required to navigate challenges that men do not have to. This is where our works begins.
Great leaders to support this, fortunately, there are many, we need more
Targeted support in psychologically safe environments to constructively work through the specific challenges women face
Investment in developing women to advance whilst we focus on fixing the systems we all operate in
Accelerates results & problem solving
Promotes strategic thinking & builds mastery
Leverages experience and expertise of others
Provides ongoing peer coaching & support
Get crystal clear on your goals.
Create a realistic plan and strategies to achieve this
Continue to blast through your barriers - real and perceived
Leverage current results and successes
“I was privileged to have had Pollyanna as my coach and mentor. My consulting business had the most successful year financially I have ever had. I ventured into uncharted territories and have changed the conversation in my head.
I sincerely recommend Pollyanna to anyone who wants to challenge themselves to greater success.”
“I highly recommend Pollyanna if you are seeking:
• to develop a better understanding of personal impact and contribution
• increased influence in complex organisations
• to gain clarity on who you are as a leader and how to be more effective”